Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prada Mama No More

Welcome to 87 Gentle Street, the new home of "The Prada Mama Chronicles".

Yes, two and a half years after my last post, I am officially laying Prada Mama to rest on Blogger's familiar fertile ground. I will always be thankful for the ministration and support of my blogger friends at Pansitan.net, particularly Gigi "Ate Sienna" Manaloto and Nicanor "BatJay" David. It was through their encouragement (and BatJay's wife, Jet's example), that I came out with a second blog which would eventually eclipse the original; inventing a persona who was sometimes brash,
always opinionated, yet never apologetic.

But a lot has happened since then. For one, my husband and I were rebaptized and have since rededicated our lives to the Lord. Secondly, all of my kids are now in school, which leaves very little time for blogging, and even if I DID find time to blog, it would not be under the "Prada Mama" moniker, which sounds decidedly worldly and simply not "me" anymore. (Although our children have been blessed to go to a private Christian school for the past five years, we now live very simply.)

But all that doesn't change the third reason which is solely responsible for my silence. Simply put, I now have a Facebook account, which streamlines the process of information dissemination, not to mention social interaction, so effectively that blogging has been rendered obsolete. Want to know my status? Read your News Feed. Want to see how much my kids have grown? Check out my Photos. Can't find them? Friend me! If you really and truly know me, you'll find me. And if I really and truly know you, I'll accept your friend request!

Yet Facebook's Notes pages are decidedly ugly and nondescript, and it's not the same as reading a REAL blog. So if you're in the mood to slow things down, just get off the next exit on the Facebook Superhighway. Take the time to explore the web's side streets, meander through its back roads, and remember to stop and smell the flowers every now and then. And maybe, just maybe, you'll come upon this blog, written by a mother at a time when she could still chronicle her children's journeys of discovery through those long, languid days before preschool.

And since you've found yourself at my doorstep, may I invite you in for a story or two?

Welcome to 87 Gentle Street.