Wednesday, March 28, 2007


picnic in the park

These happy grins are the best birthday present any Mom could ever get.

This year, my birthday came right in the middle of Spring Break. And, if you ask any of my kids what they did for Spring Break, chances are you'll get just one word out of them: picnic. Indeed, that's all we seemed to do for two weeks: 1) Find a park, 2) Eat, and 3) Play.

And, with the advent of today's mega-one-stop-shop supermarkets, picnics couldn't be easier to plan. In fact, I came out with four easy steps for a foolproof picnic HERE, just based on our recent Spring Break jaunts.

For my birthday, however, we mixed things up a bit. The kids and I were in the mood for something hot this time, so we drove through Taco Bell for a 10-pack of bean burritos prepared just the way we want it: with green salsa and onions. YUM!

Now, this would normally be an issue right in the dead of winter, with five gas-making factories in our family, but since we were headed for the park, with its wide-open spaces, I figured we were in safe territory.

So we went to the park, stopping at home first to leave a note for Dad. I knew Lorenzo would try to take off early from work so he could join us for my birthday. Sure enough, I was thrilled to see my husband's familiar blue sportscar pull up just as the kids made a beeline for the playset.

Now my birthday was complete!

Eating Dad with Reanna in the background

When the sun finally set, we headed home to light the candles on my gourmet cheesecake brownie. Don't let the size fool you. That thing was so rich, a tiny wedge was enough to satisfy my cravings for both brownies and cheesecake!


And then we retired for the night. The very first night I was 39. Thirty-nine.



I guess I can now resign myself to the fact that I'm officially pushing 40. But that's okay.

Running after them keeps me young!