Wednesday, May 17, 2006


her yellow patchwork dress

I would like to thank everyone who dropped by to greet me for Mother's Day.

I would specially like to thank those of you who noticed my weight loss. Bless you guys... (...and your 20/20 vision!)

I'm sorry it took me this long to acknowledge. Mother's Day weekend was very hectic for us, since it was also the weekend of Reanna's second birthday. Here she is, looking like the perfect senorita in her birthday dress!

my little senorita dancing in her birthday dress

I had to snap that picture really quick, because it wasn't long before she was out of that dress. I don't blame her, considering how hot it was that weekend!

And I won't even bore you with the lengths it took to find anything Barney! Reanna adores Barney, so I wanted to surprise her with a Barney birthday cake. You would think they'd still have Barney cake decorator kits around, considering how popular he is with the preschool set, but no such luck. This was the best my suking bakery could come up with, which still wasn't too bad, I think.

Barney and Baby Bop Daddy uses his muscles on the frozen cake

I also lucked out with the singing Baby Bop, finding her after looking for what seemed like hours. But the delighted smile (and the accompanying squeal) was well worth the effort.

her favorite present

Reanna's kuyas lucked out too, snagging presents of their own. Lorenzo and I have always given the other siblings "un-birthday" presents, so nobody gets left out!

Reanna's kuyas get fishing poles for

Just looking at my two big boys, Lance and Troy, beaming and tanned after their afternoon swim, brings me back to simpler times when they, too, thought Barney was the coolest thing in the universe. Even my oldest son, Max, loved Barney, and he's now 13.

It is always bittersweet for a mother to see her children growing up right in front of her eyes. Pretty soon, Barney and Blue's Clues will give way to Dora and Diego. Even now, Troy (my former baby) can't wait for Reanna to get big enough to fit into a "Stephanie" costume so she can match his "Sportacus". (That's "Lazy Town" lingo, for those of you who don't know!)

So for now, I have resolved to hug my daughter just a little bit tighter and hold her just a little bit longer...before the Barbies and Disney Princesses take my place on her bed!

the princess in her bed

This is why I just don't get so-called "children's" shows like the irreverent-bordering-on-rude SpongeBob and the overly-made-up Bratz, which somehow compromise the very innocence we wish to preserve in our kids. We don't need to hasten the growing up process. Childhood is fleeting enough as it is. (sigh!)

Happy Birthday, Reanna!

Happy Birthday Reanna!

Promise Mommy you won't grow up too fast, okay?

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Soxx and her daughter Pharaoh
(Soxx and daughter Pharaoh)

To all mothers...

three generations of smiles

...and to all daughters
(who will themselves become mothers in time)...

Happy Mother's Day!